What is Cha Ren? What is a Cha Ren for? 
Acquiring the basic knowledge about tea and familiar with different brewing methods are merely the fundamental requirements to become a tea sommelier.  But does a tea sommelier means a Cha Ren 茶人? That’s a question.
It is a great honor to be recognized as the best example of 茶人 (Cha Ren = Tea Person) by the most prestige tea federation in China, Chinese Tea People Friendship Association CTPFA 中華茶人联谊会, The list of the annual recognition covers Cha Ren, teachers, promoters, tea enterprises and associations, and Mei Lan is honored as the first one to receive such recognition based on years of efforts in promoting Chinese tea culture and Chinese tea in Europe.

Such recognition also means responsibilities.  After receiving such recognition, I keep asking myself the following question:  What does Cha Ren means? Tea Amateurs, Tea Lovers, Tea Sommelier, or Tea Master?

To me, a true ChaRen(tea person)should be someone who can perform tea nice ceremony, nice tea setting or artistic performances that appear to eyes, can bring you more than fine flavours and tastes. It is about whether s/he can from heart
  • respect the Nature
  • take actions to speak and support the eco-environmental balance
  • respect the wisdom behind old traditions
  • enjoy lifetime learning without judgmental mind or competition thinking and attitude
  • willing and able to keep head down, able to integrate heart in tea by concentrating and remaining the appreciation of Pure flavours and tastes
  • is determined and devoted to stay on the right path
  • speak not only morals but live standard or Morals 【Truthfulness, Tranquility, Calm, Respectul Harmony】

With this recognition is the time to redefine the mission and action plans for Belgium Chinese Tea Culture Association.  Don’t you also agree that the world of tea should be big enough for collaboration but not dividing due to individual goals and/or desires?

It is said the worst enemies are not others but own egoism and fragile pride. The best teacher is the clarity in consciousness and in heart. Before giving answer whether we are qualified Cha Ren eagerly, perhaps should give self a self reflection moment by having a cup of tea.