What can we learn from tea?
Tea leaf has limit in size, tea cup has limit in capacity
the learning through tea in life is unlimited
Mei Lan hsiao
What we can learn are more than various types of tea drinking or performing of various tea arts or tea ceremonies.
Tea leaf.has limit in size, tea cup has limit in capacity per cup, but the learning through tea in life is unlimited.
When we are willing to open our minds and taking actions to implement basic morals in life through tea, it’s not difficult to enhance the learning by doing to improve the living quality:
- learn to respect to the Nature, community and the planet
- learn to respect and accept the own responsibilities with clear consciousness
- learn the values of humanity with respect to those hard working nameless people
- learn what and how to practice of equality without preconceived judgement
- learn to appreciate from heart to self, learn to show earnest respect to others and to the world
- learn when and how to lay down egoism, enjoy and appreciate the simplicity and tranquility from the moment
- learn to put priority right by recognizing own responsibilities to the Nature, people, cultures and the world.
Of course there are more than the list, perhaps you can add on some based on your learning journey with tea. Let the carpet of tea full of kindness, love, respect and harmony.
#lifetimelearning #love #respect #people #kindness #learning #culture #quality #equality #ecobalance #earnest #tranquality #purification
©Mei Lan Hsiao, Belgium Chinese Tea Culture Association, Antwerp, Belgium 13/8/2022