Belgium Chinese Tea Centre

Only Pure & Authentic Quality Tea


1991年违抗父命远嫁到比利时。刚开始在欧洲从事国际管理培训工作。在看似高端的专业领域是否有经历过种族歧视与霸凌,答案当然是“有”。所以如何有自尊有自信的直起腰杆得到他们同等的尊重就变成下意识必须坚持的生活责任。1995年应比利时朋友要求教茶。在第1堂课跟外国人接触,就深刻体会外国人对茶不了解。由于自己爱茶,更由于自己必须在国外生存与在获得同等尊重的融入,所以决定在以历史文化自豪的欧洲以宣扬中华茶文化来推广中国茶, 同时肯定自己。漂流海外的浮萍要活下去就必须努力向下扎根,唯有努力肯定自己做好自己,才能有机会向上成长。



我在英文TikTok上面多半用的是英文自制短片。 分享是为了帮助自己学习更多的最好途径。


个人的移民故事也被安特卫普红星号移民博物馆(Red Star Line Museum) 收揽入他们选定的十位新移民代表的故事里面。当我在跟他们分享个人移民故事时,我先从爸爸在当年接受日本人投降时到山东,如何顺便把妈妈接收走的那一段历史开始讲起。









大约十一岁左右我就知道我不是他们亲生女儿。因为全家的人的血型就是我一个人特别不一样。但是我没有去问那可能没有答案的问题。十六岁左右被我亲生弟弟找到以及联络。正值青春背叛期的我反而在被领养的事实被证明后,我顿然成熟了,我选择沉默。不跟父母询问过去的“为什么”会被收养,也不去看亲生父母,不问为什么会是家中唯一被送养。因为我既不想让父母担心,我也不愿意让我亲生父母内疚, 我不想两边的家人会被我知道事实真相时被搞得鸡飞狗跳。既然是既成的事实那么我知道就好,没事。





著作所有权:萧美兰,比利时中华茶文化协会,于安特卫普,比利时, 2021-10-15


人体水含量有相当大的不同。 按重量计算,人类成年男性的平均含水量约为60-63%或58±8%,成年女性的平均含水量约为52-55%或48±6%。 新生儿的体内水分占体重的75%,而一些肥胖者的水分含量仅为45%。 这是因为脂肪组织不会保留水分。

人平均一天该饮多少呢? 这是一个不容易回答的简单问题。

平均来说,成人体内含水量为体重的50-70%. 我们或许可以一日不食但是不可不饮。因为我们的细胞与内脏需要水分才能正常运作。这水的定义不局限于水,而是也可由其它饮料或是食物中取得。

根据美国医学工程研究学院(U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine)的研究,他们得出的建议是:


女性:平均一天11.5杯 (约2.7公升)








注:硬度的计算方式:硬度=(含钙量mg/L*2.5 + 含镁量mg/L*4.1)











首先,硬水本身对人体是没有害处的。实际上根据英国国家研究院(the National Research Council)的研究,硬水质的饮用水富含人体所需矿物质成分,是人们补充钙、镁等成分的一种重要渠道。当然,硬水(未处理过)中的钙离子很容易结成固体碳酸钙(即水垢),它会给生活带来好多麻烦。



根据现在的科学分析,水中通常都含有处于电离状态下的钙和镁的碳酸盐(Carbonate mineral )、硫酸盐(Sulfate)和氯化物(chloride),每升水中钙(Calcium)、镁(magnesium)离子含量少于8毫克的称为软水,超过8毫克的称为硬水。


在正常生理状态下,人体血液的pH值精确保持在7.35—7.45之间,这是人体细胞完成生理功能的最佳酸碱度,少一分或者多一分都不正常。 日常保持体内酸碱平衡对日常养生是非常重要,如果人体血液pH值低于7.35会发生酸中毒,而pH值高于7.45则是碱中毒。这也符合中国传统的阴阳平衡与中庸之道的智慧。





茶的本质是碱性,茶汤中显酸性,一般pH值在5.5-6.5左右。茶汤之所以由碱性转为弱酸性是因为茶叶中含有“多酚 (Tea polyphenols)”和“鞣酸 (Tannin) ”等酸性物质所引起的。





“最”轻的水未必是最适合泡茶的水。 蒸馏水最轻但是适合每天大量的饮用吗?最轻的谁只能说是最干净的水罢了。 人还是需要跟大自然进行某些物质上的交换的。所以最好的水一定是矿泉水。微量元素、矿物质是人体必需的东西,也是一个水的口感的决定性因素。

唐朝诗人,白居易说“融雪煎香茗”,听了就高端大气。 而坚持把茶的基本道理搞对,把茶泡对的茶圣陆羽在茶这方面就比一些吟诗吟诵的诗人来的高明﹑客观与实在,在天下间的好水评比当中,在茶经中陆羽把雪水排在了第二十位,也就是最后一位。 今天我们在仿效古人茶道的时候更切实的是要细想今天的空气污染与人类污染源对自然的污染,请问,那些我们轻而易见的质问,那些污染会对天上之水,对皑皑雪质会没有影响吗?

唯数据论对于品茶基本没有绝对指导意义,对唯数据论又坚持的人或许可以直接冲一杯茶氨酸(amino acid)就可以爽死了。不是吗?


对于茶,不同的茶有不同的诉求,绿茶之鲜爽,红茶之香醇,普洱之浓釅,不同的水有不同的风格,也就有不同的适用茶种。单纯的“泉水最好”是极端片面的——如何确保所有泉水的品质一致? Mission impossible。







活:流水不腐,细菌不易繁殖,因水中的氧气(oxygen)和二氧化碳(carbon dioxide)等气体含量较高,因而泡出的茶汤会比较鲜爽可口。








我们人身体唯有皮肤每一天都经过生死的过程。许多人尤其是女性对皮肤保养很重视,保持青春貌美也很舍得花钱。但是对于皮肤因为什么原因造成病变,而不愿意多花时间去了解其实有许简单有效不会花很多钱的方法可以在日常生活饮食起居方式调整进行日常养生。可是往往人或者是轻视中医中药的传统,或许是因为好面子,或者是因为希望能有神奇效果, 所以经常会被那些国内外过度夸张疗效的产品宣传忽悠过去。




由父亲身上我了解皮肤呈现病徵时不能忽视,这也就是为什么从那之后,对每一年炎夏时期常见皮肤因为热湿而产生的皮肤敏感问题时,心里都会拉起警报,而不敢轻易的忽视及时处理治疗的必要性。当手部皮肤因为热湿又开始痒,一抓就很容易破皮。痛,不可怕但是痒是真的很难受,所以一感觉皮肤痒痒时,首先必须努力控制下意识抓的意念,立刻使用艾灸来处理这个皮痒问题, 然后使用手霜做简易的手部按摩。

It’s more than consuming price problem

As a woman, a house wife, I am more sensitive with the daily consumption cost. In the last two years when we tried to put the Covid threat behind, we were hoping for the market recovering, but that hope has been hardly splached by the minitary conflicts that matered by America through NATO.


Are we facing problem to cope with daily cost?

It would be too naive to say perhaps not yet, because we really start to feel the threat and pains from our daily home budget.

Are we able to see the light before the tunnel?

What are we facing right now? It’s more than just inflation, as matter of fact, it seems we are heading to potential recession. What and how to prevent or revert the situation?

As a baby booming generation, It’s clear as how did we built prosperity and developments after the WWII. It’s because of peace, collaboration, globalism ! But what we encourage directly or indirectly today? I am terrified whenever I switch on TV or computer to watch the news about conflicts and wars that’s driven by Fascism and extreme weather problems because of our too long ignorance!

I normally like to maintain positive thinking and energy, but frankly speaking, can any one in the world can help me to see some signs to boost my optimism?

What is Dao? What is Consistency?

The first sentence from the #DaoDeJing (道德经)that we normally know is:

道 可道 非常道 (dào  dào fēi cháng dào)

Way, one can be named is an extraordinary way.

(the challenge to translate traditional Chinese scripts to other languages, it’s underable that the meaning often can be narrowed by respective interpretation)

1973 many ancient scripts were discovered in the MaWangDui,an archaeological site located in Changsha from West Han Dynasty (206 BC – 9 AD); a Dao De Jing was among discovered ancient scripts. In the MaWangDui DaoDeJing, the first sentence starts differently:

道 可道, 非恒道 (dào kě dào , fēi héng dào)
Way, one can be named, is not consistent way.

The discovery of MaWangDui DaoDeJing enlightens a new window of learning, not only some differences in the Chinese text, but there are also some texts are even against the text from the normal version that we learned before.

Before struggleing to think what is Dao (the way), perhaps we can explore why not-consistency is hard to understand, to comprehend and to accept.

Even though we named two parts as DaoDeJing (道德经)but according to the knowledge, LaoZi first wrote the DeJing (德经, 德 means Morals)before the DaoJing (道经,道 can also means path in life). To those who are interested to learn DaoDeJing, suggest to start from Chapter 38 (the beginning of DeJing 德经).

Tea Learning Journey of Mei Lan Hsiao

Greeting from Antwerp, Belgium

This is Mei Lan Hsiao from Belgium Chinese Tea Association.

My journey started when I was about 8/9 years old

As the eldest daughter in the family, it was my duty to prepare tea during the weekend when I was home for my parents.

My Mom has very difficult troublesome physical conditions, she could have different chronical problems in different seasons. Also since I was young along the way, I noticed that she needed different kind of attention, from time to time. That’s reason why when I chose tea for her, when I made tea for her, I have to pay extra attention to what kind of tea she could drink and how to brew that tea to make sure the tea did not upset her stomach and sleeping quality. So you can say my Mom was my first inspirator to learn about tea, but my learning point was not about tea itself, as matter of fact, , I started to learn tea with health according to Chinese traditional Yin-Yang wisdom.

Then in 1985 I was nearly burn out, I stood on the cross road in life; I started to question myself who am I ,  what am I doing, what is the future to be; at that moment I have no answer; all I knew was that  I like to drink tea, I wanted to go the nature to enjoy a cup of tea; that’s the voice to me. So I started to learn tea with a tea farmer in MaoKong, the tea region in Taipei. With this tea farmer family, not I enjoyed not only good quality tea, with them I have the pleasure to see how they took care of tea farm, how did they pick tea and how did they make tea. Then all in sudden I realized what attracked me to tea was not just about fine flavors and good tastes, actually I was inspired, moved and touched by those people who I did not know their names, who worked very hard in their life to show respect to the nature, also traditional wisdom, hand picked quality tea manually produced. I was moved and touched by the humane values behind tea leaves, I started to fall in love with tea even more without knowing.

In 1991 because I married to a Belgian, so I moved to Belgium. Left family in Taiwan behind was a very difficult decision but I was very very happy, because it gave me a chance to stand out my comfort zone, and I have chance to see tea and engage tea, to learn and appreciate teas from all over the world, certainly from mainland China, so I could learn tea by drinking tea. Often people asked me who was my teacher, who I learned tea from. I always said, the first person is my Mom and the 2nd is tea.  Tea provides us a lot of freedom to choose and tea provides comfort to the heart.

Living in Belgium, from time to time I feel homesick so what I do is to invite friends for Chinese food and, of course, share tea with them. A Belgian friend encouraged me and asked me to teach tea.  With the first group of Belgian ladies, I realized that they did not know about tea, they did not know is tea, what and how to choose tea, how to brew tea and how to appreciate tea. So when I stared the journey, I said to myself it’s not about business, it’s about helping people to appreciate tea.  Because there are so many good people in the world are looking for good teas; and vice versa there are so many good teas are looking for good people to appreciate them.

That’s what I am doing.  That’s my vow to tea. Tea can not speak, tea simply provides. As long as you have an opened mind, as long as you are willing, when you have a cup of tea, tea talks with you.  When you fall in love with tea, what you fall in love with is not tea itself, as matter of fact, it is you in the reflection in tea.

I do hope one day, I can welcome you to visit Belgium Chinese Tea Centre in Antwerp for a cup of tea.

What Does Artisan Tea mean?

UN has declared 2022 as “International Year for Artisanal Fisheries and Argiculture”. This declaration would be a great news for many Chinsee tea farmers who devote their life and energy in preserving the artisanal quality tea in tea based on the accumulated wisdom, methods and traditions that we inheritant from our ancestors in the past thousadnds of year in China history.

Anyone who appreciate tea knows tea is a natural agricultural product but not industrial product, accumulated wisdom and traditional know how are hardly be replaced or duplicated by modern machinery processes. Appropriately manage the biochemical and micro environmental factors are critical foundation for the sustainability of tea farming.

Artisan tea basically means tea involves with skillful works and manual (or semi-manual) processed, and that is the critical quality standards for many Chinese special famous teas from China today. The tea quality classification standards in China are still stick to the ancient traditions which heavily involves with manual efforts in tea picking to production.

China has been through many changes in history but the living wisdom and cultural traditions have been accumulated without breaking up. Artisan teas are still considered as the best quality teas in China today and here are some basic principles of Chinese special famous teas:

  1. Started from ecological balanced conditions in the tea growing region (in practice, it means use only natural composed fertilizer, maintain the healthy soil conditions by not over doing the fertilization, forestry coverage in the tea growing regions is in the priority for the sustainability development program in China.
  2. Manually grass removal by respecting it to complete its life circle is important to protect tea trees, in the Autumn grass grow in the tea farm will play a protector role to against the cold winter and to prevent drought under the threat of global climate change. 
  3. In the framework of sustainability development, the collaboration relationship with the local community to arrange the tea picking, it helps to improve family income and living conditions of the local community;
  4. tea production manually by respecting the traditional methods and wisdom are playing critical role to ensure the quality 
  5. Geographic indications are critical.  Today there are many countries grow and produce tea, tea trees can be migrated, production processes can be learned and copied, but not the ecological and micro-environmental conditions, i.e. air, water, latitude/altitude, sunlight, temperature differences in day vs. night, shadowing, moisture in the air….etc.
  6. Artisan teas definitely should be pure in its flavors and tastes, freed from any additional flavor or other addictives.  Artisan tea is as if a natural beauty, her beauties are from within without additional ‘make up’ or ‘make over’.

In Chinese tea culture, tea is more than craftmanship of tea, it prevails how Chinese traditional moral standards based on “earthy”, ‘honesty’ and ‘respect’ are actually lived through actions despite all those political and cultural changes that happened in China in the last nearly 5000 years. Tea is more than enjoying fine and pure flavors in tea, it is about how we can enjoy a moment with tea when to implement the fundamental respects, to the Nature, to others and mostly not to forget the respect to self, without preconceived judgement and differentiation mind. When we enjoy the pure and authentic quality tea, our mind and emotion are also enlightened by its devine spirit in tranquility. Mindfulness is more than a attractive buzzword or fancy demonstration but how we truly enjoy living through a cup of tea.

A coin has two sides

What is freedom?

What does freedom mean?

What and how to practice freedom ?

The world peace needs you, me and they.

If freedom only meant “I can do what I want”, then it is not freedom but lawless mind that leads to chaos.

Freedom, indeed, means to recognize and able to claim own rights, but meanwhile it also means to embrace and to recognize own obligations to follow the basic laws and order that can create calm and peaceful society; it also means one is able to take action to show how s/he willing to respects the rights of other parties.

If you quickly jumped to the decision that the other parties who do not follow your decision means they against you, then probably you are far from knowing what freedom means or even against the practice of freedom.

When follow what are covered in the media that you can easily access to, the hardest process and decision will be are you willing and able to see the truth from your heart.

The practice of freedom means to build peace but not conflicts or wars. No matter what, freedom is not excuse to deny the rights of other party/ies, certainly is not the excuse to practice racism, discrimination or bullism.

Chinese Tea Arts

What is Chinese Tea Arts? In short we can consider “Tea Arts” as different forms of “Tea Ceremony”.

The essence in learning Chinese tea arts is more than deepening the learning of different types of tea, it is more than how to arrange the tea setting nicely in elegant way, you learn much deeper and more when enjoying the unique fine and nature authentic flavors and taste in tea, moreover you learn how to engage the inner peace with a cup of tea.

Modernized tea ceremony is simple and pleasant

Tea and tea culture began from China more than 4000 years ago,  tea ceremony has gone through different cultural evolutions in China history, we can briefly define the Chinese tea arts in following styles

  1. Eating tea – some ethnic groups in China are still keeping this ancient tea traditions today
  2. Boiling tea – the fashionable tea ceremony in Tang Dynasty
  3. Whisking  tea – the fashionable tea ceremony in Song Dynasty which Japanese monks brought back to Japan, further refine and practice in Japanese Cha Dao today
  4. Brewing in small tea pot – Began popular since Ming Dynasty (porcelain small teapot and Yixing teapot)
  5. Brewing with Gaiwan – one simple tea ware allow us to brew all tea types
  6. Brewing tea in Gongfu tea style (ChaoZhou style and Taiwan style)
  7. Traditional brewing tea in a glass – highly recommended for premium quality green or yellow tea
  8. Simplified daily easy tea ceremony – it is about how one can take time to enjoy a quality tea time

Chinese culture emphasizes the humane values through self disciplines, appropriate social behaviors with good and respectful manners that embed the collectural beauty in the society.

Mei Lan Hsiao
One planet for all, appreciate what we have and to share while we can!

It’s hard to separate the development of tea arts with various developments in art, literal, phyilosophies, living wisdom and social behavior teachings… all of these have enriched the cultural development in China history.  It’s hard to say whether it was tea influenced art developments or art developments stimulated the variety development in different types of tea and tea arts in Chinese culture. No matter what the relationship of tea with the mother Nature, shaping the human values, stimulates the sustainable culture development, living wisdom from calming individual to shape the peace in the society is like a circle that has neither beginning nore end. The question is from which point you like to pick up the life time learning with a cup of tea.

How well to manage the choice of tea type and tea quality are critical for specific tea ceremony.  Through the learning of tea arts, it refreshes the learning of tea; the practice of Chinese tea arts (Chinese tea ceremony) facilitates the practice of Chinese Cha Dao that eventually leads to the practice of mindfulness in body and mind while enjoying fine flavours and taste in a cup of tea.

TanYang Gongfu Black Tea

TanYang Gonfu Cha is a premier quality black tea from Fu’An region in Fujian.

FuJian province is an import tea production region where there are plenty famouse teas, such as white tea, oolong, jasmine and black tea, in China, the most important ethnic group in FuJian is She ethnic group together with another 50 ethnic groups. Fu’An region is not just famous for TanYang Gongfu Black tea, but also known for its white tea. The geographical position is between Longitude: 119.546163 Latitude: 27.222276, the altitude is not very high, around 203meters above sea level but the climate and humidity are very suitable for tea tree growing.

The following basic manufacturing requirements are critical for any tea to be classified as “Gongfu Cha”:

  1. Suitable eco-balance in environment for tea tree growing
  2. Not excessive picking per year, to ensure tea trees could have sufficient rest for the next year harvest
  3. Hand tea picking to ensure the quality of raw tea leaves
  4. Quality classification subject to the picking of tea leaves, i.e. 1 bud with 1-2 leaves
  5. Good and appropriately managed withering is the prerequisite for the formation of good quality for all Gongfu Cha and Oolong tea.
  6. Even though now they can use some machines to aid the tea production, but still traditional tea manufacturing methods are well respected
  7. Repeated drying and charcoal roasting are important for the final formation of premier quality Gongfu Cha

TanYang JinZhen was in twitted shape by using tea leaves of 1 bud with 1-2 leaves, which are picked only in the Spring season. The most suitable tea leaves are from local Fu’An vegetable tea trees, FuDing DaHao or Fu’An DaBai. Production methods are rather complex by following the traditional manufacturing techniques and standards .

There are different legends about TanYang Gonfu Black tea (TanYang JinZhen 坦洋金针) ; one is said TanYang Gongfu Cha was created by Hu FuShi from TanYang village during 1851-1874.

According to literature, Fuan Xian exported 70,000 boxes tea in 1881 which meant TanYang JinZhen was popular in Europe at that time already. Due to the anti-Japanese Invade War, export channels faced severly setback, productions were severily damaged that caused sharply drop of production output. After the New China was established, due to the change of tea demand layout, the tea production in TanYang changed from “Red“ to “Green”, not much traditional TanYang Gongfu Cha left for TanYan JinZhen until 1988. TanYang JinZhen has gone through gradual evalutions. In the last two decades since 1991, TanYang JinZhen has been through with consistent modified and improved manufacruring methods to create better quality Gongfu black tea. No matter what and how they modern the production process, they persistently follow the traditional manufacturing methods with TanYang Gongfu black tea, i.e. spreading, withering, kneading, oxidated fermentation, further refined rolling, roasting and sieving.

Fujian government established a clear GIS guidline for TanYang JinZhen:

  1. Tea leaves from tea trees grow in the Fu’An region, widely distributed and mainly produced in Fu’An region, therefore TanYang JinZhen has very firmed GIS (Geographic Indication System) quality identity
  2. The dried leaves are in twitted shape
  3. Persistently to follow the basic black tea manufacturing method (withering, rolling, fermentation, drying) and further enhanced with refined shaping, sortings, eliminating inferior different quality and roasting processes.
  4. Prhibit to use any aromatic substance and additives in the production.
  5. Strengthen the quality control to ensure no peculiar smell and no deterioration
  6. Pure and authentic quality in flavors and tastes are their fundamental belief for sustainability development for a better future.

How to distingulish the quality?

  • The color of dried leaves is in urun oily;
  • The color of tea liqour is in shining golden amber red color
  • It has pretty attractive fresh and elegant fraquence
  • mellow and yet complex dried sweetness tastes in mouth

Brwing suggestions:

  • All Gongfu Cha actually requires very heated water temperature from the boiling water
  • Suggest to use neutral pH balance mineral water, but neither too soft nor hard water.
  • Matching teaware : YiXing purple clay tea pot or white porcelain tea pot
  • Use of tea leaves: 1gm: 50-80ml (subject to personal taste preference)
  • Water temperature: 85-90°C
  • Suggest to keep the brewing time short and sexy, because longer brewing time allow more dissolvants from tea tannins and catechins in tea that will increase the bitter taste in tea. But also try to avoid ‘too sexy’ short brewing that does not allow sufficient dissolving of amino acid that weaken the sweetness in tea.

Tea has very charming and complex multiple layers in fraquence and in taste. Multiple infusions definitely are possible, about 6-8 brewings.

Perhaps the price for premier quality teas is not so cheap because of its hand picking and manual manufacture processing; when you are willing give yourself a chance to experience the fine flavors and tastes that you can enjoy from the multiple infusions, surely you will appreciate the quality and understand the cost per cup actually is very economical. It is indeed tghe better quality tea can meet with your demands for economic and ecological life style while providing you a better quality appreciation.

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