China developed the steamed green methods since the Tang Dynasty, according to the Cha Jing written by Lu Yu “晴,采之。蒸之,捣之,拍之,焙之,穿之,封之,茶之干矣 picked in the sunny day, roll after leaves been steamed and soft, drying, shaping”.   When Japanese preserve and refine the steaming methods that Japanese monks brought back with them, the Chinese tea culture continue  to revolve due to the increase of tea type variety.Right now now only very limited green teas are using the steamed green method in China. Most famous China green teas are adapting the frying method.

EnShi Gyokuro is one of the most unique kind of steamed green tea from China. Unlike Gyokuro from Japan that the tea garden is shielded by straw mats completely, so the leaf grows very slowly with the least oxidation with sun before picking; while the Chinese Gyokuro is expose in the nature environment and using the whole young buds.

Under the same principle of steaming methods but there are yet many differences:

Gyokuro ( Japan )


EnShi Gyokuro ( China ) 


Shielded from the sun for at least 20 days before picking

No shielded from the sun before picking
Sensitive green tea and needs to be carefully brewed with cooler water and slightly larger amount of leaf

It is sensitive when pouring the hot water into glass, so avoid pouring hot water directly leaves.  It provides enjoyment from color, shape, movement, flavor and taste in the glass.


Quantity: 6-10 gm : 180ml

Water temperature: 50°C – 60°C

Tea Ware: Porcelain teapot

Steeping: 1st infusion: 90 seconds / 2nd infusion : 30 seconds / 3rd infusion : 60 seconds

Image result for gyokuro quality grade

Image result for steeping gyokuro

Quantity: 3g : 180ml

Water temperature : 80°C

Tea Ware: Glass

Pour hot water in gently into glass, avoid directly on leaves

Steeping: 1st infusion: 30 seconds (can either maintain the same drinking temperature or can adjust to your taste by gradually increasing steeping time with the multiple infusions )