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Taiji Qigong in the pandemic
In the pandemic period, Russian doctor taught patients Taiji Qigong in hospital .
It is not about forms or correctness of Taiji Quan they practice , it is about how they are willing to relax body and mind, to stimulate energy flow alone meridian, most importantly, willingness in promoting and sharing positive thinking and energy.
Healthy diet begins not just with pure and natural ingredients from the off season selections, it requires a combination of balanced diet + healthy energy under the positive thinking which are easy and free upon your attitude and daily actions.
Here are few critical leanings from pandemic, which are:
1. Yes, I can
2. Yes, I will
3. Yes, I shall
4. We, Together (One for all, all for one)
(Implementation of ACTIONS)
1. Remain calm without discontent
2. Reach out JUST because we can share
3. Unite knowledge in ACTIONS
4. Implement discipline, demonstrate what self can do first
5. Appreciate & respect others from heart
6. Sharing will receiving more blessing, not from others, but self
7. Liberate freedom by breaking down mental walls
8.Humanity begins with actural respect on equality with an opened mind
9. Reduce expectation on others or beyond what can not be imagined, but ask self what else I can do better
Life is fragile, including family. Live with hopes for future but not on dreams beyond reality, now.
Show appreciation and compassion for love in time, don’t hesitate or wait or hope other would understand, because time is not something we can control on agenda, often it might not be on ourside if we ignored the “Present”.
© Mei Lan Hsiao, Antwerp, Belgium, 25/01/2021