The future is not a dream, as long as

We work hard when we must

We are doing our best to fulfil our responsibilities and obligations to self, to family and to society;

When we are willing to appreciate for what we have and able to keep our heads up when we can.

Then dreams that we have for the future will eventually realized, step by step.

我們的未來不是一個夢, 衹要我們能夠持續的努力,盡好自己應盡的責任,只耍我們能夠及時的表達我們對生命,對家庭,對社會應有的尊重以及責任,那麽未來的夢一定能夠逐步的實現。

Sharing a lovely Chinese song with my family and all friends

“My Future is not a dream”
sang by Zhang YuSheng

Inspiration from the song:

Are you alike me, keeping head down under the heating sun, working hard silently and sweat?

Are you alike me, busy with searching around, searching for a kind of unexpected gentleness the wholeday long?

Are you alike me, even though have been ignored and mistreated, yet don’t want to give up hopes for what I have hoped for?

Are you alike me, have trapped in the mist alone, feel helpless, feel like standing on the crossroads repeatedly when don’t know where to go?


I don’t care what other people think or say, I consistently hold on the stronge beliefs for love that I have promised to myself.

Because I know my future is not a dream. I manage every minute in life as the best way that I can do.

My future is not a dream when my heart vibrates with hopes.

My life continuously vibrates with hopes because my life is not a dream.