When you are young, beautiful, handsome, strong and healthy, you don’t think or worry about time;the self confidence and desires for having fun in life can drive your hormone crazy that you think you have plenty of time and you can master the game in life.

A perfect and romantic gift to re-validate the wedding vows for love
from Rose D’Avers

Probably you think you have plenty of time to mandate relationship damages later in the future. Or, you don’t realize what kind of impacts from your decisions and action are actually doing to yourself or to others around you? Or you simply don’t care?

“The circle of cause and result never ends, it sometimes is not happening instantly but eventually will happen (因果循环,疏而不漏)”

But what does future really mean? Will time stands still and wait for you? Do you really think you can abuse time because you are young and beautiful now? You really believe no matter what you do, time will show mercy by standing still or you can fulfill your beautiful dreams without consequence in the future? That is the puzzled question to all relationships in life.

Are you still waiting, dreaming and hoping for what you want to have by throwing what you already have now away?

Time won’t wait.

The time is fair and the clock is ticking without stopping. Without knowing the number of wedding invitations in the mailbox are replaced by divorce announcements or funeral invitations.

Just hope it is not too late to realize what is the most important in life is having someone to share a peaceful moment when hairs turn to grey, someone is still sharing the simple loving days even when the face is covered with wrinkles, the back is no longer straight and eyelids are getting heavy.

One who takes time lightly will lose time without knowing; one who takes love for granted won’t find peace in love.