In the modern world. trust is critical for any kind of relationship, in either personal or professional environments.

Here is a simple tip for you to consider:
One who can not even distinguish whether tea is authentic or flavored, what’s her/his ability to identify truth from false?
One who does not know how to appreciate authentic flavors and tastes from mild and gentleness, how would s/he value honesty in relationship?
One who likes to show her/his ability to tell which tea is ‘the best’ or not without knowing there are plenty ‘good teas’, the best is not judged by own judgement but based on other’s perception and acceptance, how can be a fair leader if s/he has impulsive prejudgement attitude?
One who can’t even demonstrate respectful behaviors in preparing or drinking a cup of tea, what make you think that person knows the essence of ‘respect’? Without respectful mind, how can that person be a good leader?

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