Only Pure & Authentic Quality Tea

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Collaborate Harmony

Wild tea trees grow quietly in forests, covered by very thick layers of moss, flowers, grass and plants, they live together with plenty insects, birds, small and large sized animals.

The naturally restraint order in the natural environment does exist, but that does not stop the peace and harmony coexist, actually the vase diversity complete the beauty of wonder in the Nature.

We all think we love tea and love the Nature, but in the reality how often we can really come across with differences and are willing and able to collaborate with each others?  If tea trees could coexist in the Nature with plenty of plants, insects and animals then why we couldn’t?

It is said the worst enemies are not others but own egoism and fragile pride. The best teacher is the clarity in consciousness and in heart. Belgium Chinese Tea Culture Association is proudly commissioned by CTPFA as Belgium Exchange Centre for Chinese tea and tea culture.

Our mission is to promote authentic knowledge and wisdom in Chinese tea culture and we are interesting to collaborate with individuals and associations who share the same passion for tea.

For more information, please contact Mei Lan Hsiao directly.

Cha Ren 茶人

What is Cha Ren? What is a Cha Ren for? 
Acquiring the basic knowledge about tea and familiar with different brewing methods are merely the fundamental requirements to become a tea sommelier.  But does a tea sommelier means a Cha Ren 茶人? That’s a question.
It is a great honor to be recognized as the best example of 茶人 (Cha Ren = Tea Person) by the most prestige tea federation in China, Chinese Tea People Friendship Association CTPFA 中華茶人联谊会, The list of the annual recognition covers Cha Ren, teachers, promoters, tea enterprises and associations, and Mei Lan is honored as the first one to receive such recognition based on years of efforts in promoting Chinese tea culture and Chinese tea in Europe.

Such recognition also means responsibilities.  After receiving such recognition, I keep asking myself the following question:  What does Cha Ren means? Tea Amateurs, Tea Lovers, Tea Sommelier, or Tea Master?

To me, a true ChaRen(tea person)should be someone who can perform tea nice ceremony, nice tea setting or artistic performances that appear to eyes, can bring you more than fine flavours and tastes. It is about whether s/he can from heart
  • respect the Nature
  • take actions to speak and support the eco-environmental balance
  • respect the wisdom behind old traditions
  • enjoy lifetime learning without judgmental mind or competition thinking and attitude
  • willing and able to keep head down, able to integrate heart in tea by concentrating and remaining the appreciation of Pure flavours and tastes
  • is determined and devoted to stay on the right path
  • speak not only morals but live standard or Morals 【Truthfulness, Tranquility, Calm, Respectul Harmony】

With this recognition is the time to redefine the mission and action plans for Belgium Chinese Tea Culture Association.  Don’t you also agree that the world of tea should be big enough for collaboration but not dividing due to individual goals and/or desires?

It is said the worst enemies are not others but own egoism and fragile pride. The best teacher is the clarity in consciousness and in heart. Before giving answer whether we are qualified Cha Ren eagerly, perhaps should give self a self reflection moment by having a cup of tea.

Biography of Tea Master – Mei Lan Hsiao

Even though her family has nothing to do with tea, but she learnt the importance of consuming tea correctly in daily health diet based on the Chinese traditional medicine principles, the essence of keeping a well balance and appropriate adaptation based on Yin-Yang and 5 elements from her mother when she was very young.

She entered the tea learning in Taiwan since 1985, left her root because of marriage in 1991 was a hard emotional decision but that helped her to expand her learning horizon in tea and Chinese tea culture from original limited inward-outbound one-direction view to 360 degree.

She started to promote the authentic knowledge about tea and wisdom in Chinese tea culture in Belgium since 1995.  Efforts in promoting tea and Chinese tea culture helped her to strengthen her roots for humane. Based on her observation and experience in Europe, she deeply realizes tea is speechless and often being misunderstood or misused because of wrong information and/or interpretation if people have no chance to understand its authentic flavor and taste.  Her life time mission now is to speak for tea, to share more authentic knowledge about quality and pure taste.

She earned the title of “Tea Master” through recognitions from other well known experts in tea and Chinese tea culture from China and Taiwan.  This title does not limit to the meaning of who she is but aggrevates her recognition of her responsibility to promote tea and Chinese tea culture in more serious manners further.  Their recognition also urges her to keep her head down to focus on tea and deepen the learning in tea and Chinese traditional wisdom for health and life through tea.

Tea has always been and will continue be her best teacher. In front of Nature and Tea, she remains as an innocent child, a life-time student.

GDPR – New EU General Data Proection Regulations

Dear Friends,

Starting from 25/May/2018 we are obliged to comply the EU General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) .  Even if you are not living in Europe, we will still extend the same principle to show our respect to your privacy and personal data.

When you sign in to our newletters, you will receive an email about the information and/or knowledge about tea and Chinese tea culture whenever we update on this site.  In the future, just as we did in the past,  your data will remain protected in our database.

The learning of Tea and Chinese tea culture provides a very pleasant and rewarding life time learning journey.  I’m glad that I can share my learning and inspiration with many tea lovers around the world via internet.

In case you do not wish to remain on our email list, you can simply drop me an email, so I can delette your data from our list.


Our Commitment

We don’t have the stamp on the package for fair trade, WE SIMPLY DO FAIR TRADE.

We don’t have the organic label on the package, WE AND OUR PARTNERS SIMPLY  COMMIT TO ECO BALANCE. Just because Nature and health are important.

We believe each pesticide analysis  handles by European laboratory to assert the organic quality serves as more true evident than stamp or label.

Do we have to “visit” the tea garden and “check” the quality every year? No, we don’t have to with the close partnership with friends who share the crazy commitment. Especially when we choose to work base on partnership, commitment and trust to the Mother Nature, wisdom from Chinese old traditions, health and QUALITY.

Honesty and commitment not only important to TEA, NATURE  but also to  friendship in life.

If we have more profit, we rather to invest on tea but not on hotels and flight tickets for pleasure.

There is only one planet we treasure, and we are committed to eco-balanced healthy tea.


Best Practice

I know normally it’s honor to meet or able to have a President to give endorsement, but I really can’t share that kind of joy and proud with ITQI when they posted the photo of President Tsai Yin-Wen today.

Because the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) under Tsai’s command issued an announcement ‘quietly’ on their web site what they intend to loosen the pesticide tolerance standards.

Luckily such quiet ‘pesticide standards” announcement was discovered by a politician from the opposite party in time and then the issue was exposed on media on 15/3. Instantly I posted my concern and protest on Facebook and to the Taiwan Tea Manufacturing Industrial Association.  Eventually MOHW admitted the decision of new pesticide standards was made based on the request from American agriculture chemical company.

If this announcement was not discovered in time, then 60 days later that ‘quiet announcement” could become official regulations. Luckily the planned new standards was not supported or agreed by most tea farmers and manufacturers or traders,  because the new standards would allow the tolerance of Fluopyram to 6ppm while the tolerance of this particular pesticide in EU is only 0.1ppm.

Under severe protests, finally the MOHW decided to “temporarily postponed” the implementation but did not decide to deny the request from the American agriculture chemical company’s request.

Taiwan produce very good quality tea that we really emphasis on superior taste and quality but not quantity.  But ff we allowed Tsai’s government team to implement the new tolerance standards, then the name of Taiwanese tea will be ruined, and Taiwanese tea will face a lot of challenge to sell tea outside of Taiwan.

Therefore I am sorry that I really can’t give my thumb up for this article from ITQI just because they were able to meet or listen Tsai’s speech during their visit in Taiwan.

ITQI emphasis quality, then meeting international pesticide tolerance standards for tea must be the basic requirement.

Tea is a natural agricultural product which is not like other food products produced in factory that manufacturers could prove their quality control with ISO standards, therefore how to ensure the quality safety meets with the pesticide standards is important, particularly in EU member states.
I love tea and I do have special love for Taiwanese tea.  However, when we talk about tea, I always choose to be honest, give my loyalty and devotion to tea and those who work very hard to produce superior taste and quality tea.  There are many good quality teas from Taiwan and China which I truly believe there are many tea lovers in the world would appreciate, that’s why we must take our responsibility seriously to ensure the supply the superior taste and safety quality.   I truly believe the first thing is to make sure the quality of tea meets with the EU pesticide standards.
Based on this belief and confidence, I adapt the practice of having tea being analysed by European laboratory in Europe based on the EU pesticide standards.  After the quality is being rectified by the Pesticide Analysis Report with satisfactory result, then submit to ITQI for Superior Taste and Quality Awards competition.
Indeed this is a very expensive approach for a small tea centre like us, but I truly believe this is the responsible and correct attitude to show my respect to tea, and this is the most solid way to win trust from consumers who are looking for superior taste an fine quality tea.

Quality Managements in Practice

In the tea sommelier certified lesson this week, we again touched the critical issue about what is our primary responsibility as a tea sommelier. Is it just limited to the knowledge of knowing how to make a good cup of tea? or much more?   Students were very enthusiastic and asked for more information about the bitter taste of fair-trade and organic tea.
As promised, here is the link of The Bitter Taste of Tea: A Journey into the World of Fair Trade which I think people who like to support the concept of fair trade tea should all take a look : 
I first saw this video few years ago and I think the course and intention of these reporters who dared to report this matter deserve respect and support.
From the free pre-review I am sure it would give you an idea about the bitter taste of so-called fair trade in reality. Finding a good balance is indeed a unsolved struggle to find a good balance between
  • Policies vs. Reality,
  • Development vs. Preserve Nature Harmony
  • Economy Development vs. Culture Development
I follow the philosophy of fair trade and the basic concept for organic and pesticide control started from 1995. For years I follow the quality management and best practice, because I believe actual actions are more important than slogans or stamps.
It was great to embrace questions from enthusiastic tea lovers:
Q: How do you know these people are really following the principals?
A: Honesty is the key and trust is something people need to learn to earn but don’t expect to obtain blindly by telling fancy stories.  When people are willing to tell you truth not only good and beautiful stories, but also honest to share all hinder information that might influence the harvest and quality; when they are equally persistence in believing in Nature, Quality, Traditions and Morals. That laid down the corner stone for trustful friendship. 
Of course, there is a risk for people to change their course when facing the financial challenges and/or attractions. That’s why how to sustain and to revalidate trust is an on-going task for “BOTH” parties.
The cost of ‘fair trade’ and ‘organic tea’ labels are simply too expensive for me and those friends for years, who are either small individual tea farms and/or tea producers, can afford.  Instead of talking or putting the label, we simply put these fundamental believes and philosophies in actions.  Our common goals are
  • Promote and introduce the pure and good quality tea to the market
  • Help more people to have the right attitude about healthy life style, know how to brew tea correctly
  • Help more people to have the correct knowledge about how to distinguish quality
Honesty and trust are essence in business ethic, particularly in the tea world.

Tea suggestion for humid weather

Which tea to drink in case the weather is warm and humid, feel sick when like to sweat but can’t sweat?
1. traditional fermented & roasted Oolong
2. Red (black) tea
3. Ripped Puerh
4. Aged tea
5. Ginger tea

Tea Sommelier Certification Program

Tea has more than 5000 years or more years of history in Chinese culture which has been through various major cultural shifts in the history of mankind, the journey started from China and it is now spreading to the world. Preparing a cup of tea is easy, but learning of tea and wisdom from tea that you can apply in life are much more complex than you think.  Tea is healthy only if you have the basic knowledge about the basic principles of tea and the essential 5W and 1H.

Tea is about health that influences the quality of life. The best way to advance the learning of tea is to shorten the distance between person-to-person and person-to-tea.

Professional knowledge, respect of business ethics and able to live by example are essential quality to tea sommelier.

The basic module of tea sommelier certification program helps you to learn more than just about tea, it does not limited to how to brew tea and how to present tea. The certification program aims to enhance your knowledge in tea at the forefront level; more importantly it helps you to learn more about health, the wisdom about inner self , respect of nature and humane values that you know what and how to build and sustain a well balance and harmony in life.

The program is built based on over 32 years of learning and practice of Tea Master Mei Lan Hsiao aims to provide you a passport to continue your journey in tea with the authentic and correct knowledge. The program will equip you professional knowledge and skills  as tea sommelier.

Basic Modules program :

Purpose of the program

  • Intensive interactive learning approach in a small learning group
  • Intensive tea degustation, learn by tasting
  • Intensive interactive learning, learn by doing
  • To enhance the clarity of each learning, students need to complete small exam per section
  • At end, students need to a) present learning thesis, b) oral presentation c) Q&A d) blind taste of tea e) tea cupping presentation

Logistic arrangement 

  • Location: Paul van Ostaijenlaan 12, 2050 Antwerp (Linkeroever)
  • Frequency: Once a week
  • Hours: 3-4 hours per lesson
  • Period: 20 weeks
  • Fee: 2,500EUR/per person (excl. VAT)



Basic Learning Attitude

Basic quality parameters has no cultural differences, it goes back to the basic :

  1. how tea garden is managed
  2. type of tea tree
  3. the health condition of tea tree
  4. tea picking
  5. tea processing and post processing

…………….. once tea is available, then we must examine our own actions:

  1. how much do I know about tea?
  2. do I know what and how to choose to drink?
  3. how much do I really know and respect  tea?
  4. do I know how to bring out the best characters from tea during the brewing?
  5. how much can I distinguish the quality  and the pure and authentic flavour and taste?

Last but at least, we must question ourselves : what do we really learn from tea? It depends on our learning attitude.

Not only in European market but also in the rest of the world today, let’s face it the market is dominated by aromatic flavored tea for simple reasons:

  1. How much tea importers/traders really know and love tea before the attraction of  ‘$$$”?
  2. Many only interest in “buying low, selling high”,
  3. There are still too much ‘funny’ stories about tea published in various media today
  4. There are still too much consumers don’t have the correct knowledge and information about tea

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